Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The Backcountry Brides Collection - A Review

The Backcountry Brides Collection: Eight 18th Century Women Seek Love on Colonial America's Frontier by [Couch, Angela K, Marvin, Debra E, McNear, Shannon, Meyer, Gabrielle, Pagels, Carrie Fancett, Taylor, Jennifer Hudson, Thomas, Pegg, Weimer, Denise]   

     This collection of short stories contains eight love stories, written by eight authors, set in the eighteenth century on the colonial American frontier. Many of the stories contain some element of women and families coping with love and life during military conflict. Each story deals with the challenges of frontier life. Some themes included are: the changing role of women, life after abuse, prejudice, the importance of intestinal fortitude, and sacrificing for patriotism. The stories are well-told, and given the length of each story, the characters are well-developed. If I were rating each story individually I would have given seven of the stories four or five stars, while one would have received a three-star rating. While I have no knowledge of the authors’ plans, most of the stories will likely have readers hoping that the authors will consider using these short stories as prequels to upcoming novels. I thank NetGalley and Barbour Publishing for providing me with an advance copy of The Backcountry Brides Collection in exchange for an honest review. I received no monetary compensation.    

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