This story of French resistance workers aiding downed Allied airmen to get out of occupied France and ultimately back into the air by using their connections to the Maison de Ballard fashion house as cover is extremely well written. It is emotionally charged in a way that invites readers to exist in 1940s France. It is a story of sacrifice and redemption, a story of seeing past false realities and seeking to embrace truth, truth about others as well as oneself. Readers will likely feel led to examine some of their own choices and reflect on their personal growth, to let go of the past, and to seek a brighter future.
While The Last Fashion House in Paris works well as a stand-alone read, fans of Renee Ryan will be thrilled to be reconnected to characters from a couple of her previous novels. AS this story is following up one book and running concurrently with another, it is very interesting to connect the dots between them. I am grateful to have received a complimentary copy of The Last Fashion House in Paris from Love Inspired via NetGalley without obligation. All opinions expressed here are my own.