Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Courting Mr. Emerson by Melody Carlson - A Book Review

Courting Mr. Emerson   Melody Carlson

Courting Mr. Emerson is true to Melody Carlson's writing style with quirky, endearing characters, a setting readers will want to truly visit, and a sense of poignancy. It is a story that one wants to walk into and join the cast of characters, to be a part of what unfolds.

Mr. Emerson, a retiring high school English teacher, is a bit out of step with the times. Once considered a confirmed bachelor by others, he's now a self-proclaimed curmudgeon. Having been told as a young boy that his parents had died because God needed them, having his older brother die in the Vietnam War, losing his fiance in a car wreck just three days before his graduation from graduate school, and eventually losing his grandparents who raised him, George came to the conclusion that there was no God. Believing that was less painful than believing that there was a God who at the worst had it out for him, and at the least didn't care about or need him. What would it take for God to make Himself and His love known to George at this time in his life? Enter Willow West, artist, bohemian, hippie, Christian, and her somewhat dysfunctional family. God can certainly work in mysterious and unexpected ways! Readers will enjoy observing how this story plays out.

I am grateful to have received a copy of Courting Mr. Emerson from Revell via NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion. I was under no obligation to provide a positive review, and received no monetary compensation.

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