Friday, April 5, 2019

My Promise by Noah Bolinder- A Book Review

My Promise    Noah Bolinder

Remember when you were a kid and you had to get through a meal of Brussels sprouts or broccoli, made palatable by bites of mashed potatoes and gravy or meatloaf, to get to dessert? Hmmmm, that chocolate cake or apple pie! The food on that dinner plate seemed to last so long, but the dessert was devoured so quickly. Fortunately here the space leading up to dessert is quite short, and Bolinder's readers can feast on dessert for most of the book. I was happy to have read through the first five chapters, gathering background knowledge, but once I got to the sixth chapter, there was dessert!

Noah Bolinder has created something unique in My Promise. His incorporation of the music and films of modern culture gives the story a new dimension. (The reader will find themselves searching YouTube and Netflix to see the parallels for themselves.) The truths Noah reveals so carefully as the story progresses will speak across generations. My Promise is a beautiful, intricate work of apologetics. It is a story that must be shared.

I am very grateful to have received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest opinion. I was under no obligation to provide a positive review and received no monetary compensation.


  1. Great review! I have the book, also, and look forward to reading it soon.

    1. Thanks Carrie, I would love to hear your opinion after you read My Promise.
