Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Synapse by Steven James - A Book Review

Synapse     Steven James

Steven James tells a story of our future, a future that does not involve Jetson-like advancements. Rather than large infrastructure changes, James sees changes in the form of technology having the greatest impact on society. In Synapse, life-like machines, data walls, embedded chips and prosthesis reminiscent of the Six Million Dollar Man are some of what drive society forward, or not,depending on one's point of view. The Purists see technological advancement as a danger to mankind, and work to rein it in. In the meantime Artificials seek to become like Naturals, even seeking an afterlife and forgiveness, while most Naturals have worked to busy their minds in order to forget those very things.

Those of us who have lived to see the changes technology has brought in the past three decades can easily believe in the possibility of the future James describes along with the moral questions it brings. Synapse gives us the chance to consider those implications before finding ourselves in the middle of them. Sci-fi fan or not, I believe you will enjoy the way this book is written and the way it engages your mind in thoughtful consideration. I am grateful to have received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. I was under no obligation to provide a positive review, and I received no monetary compensation.  

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