Thursday, June 20, 2024

Born of Gilded Mountains by Amanda Dykes - A Book Review


My heart is full. It will be challenging to leave the world of Mercy Peak and move on to another land in another book. Mercy Peak is where I long to linger. I wish that there was a genre for books that impact wisdom, for fiction that speaks deep truths. Born of Gilded Mountains belongs there, along with its predecessors that were birthed from their creator, Amanda Dykes.

I listened to Born of Gilded Mountains using the text-to-speech function on my Kindle as this is a busy time of the year tending the garden and dealing with its bounty. It took me a bit to figure out the book's structure. The story is enhanced by the inclusion of parts of a screenplay, excerpts from field notes belonging to a Hollywood biographer, excerpts of letters from two young pen pals, quotes, and words from a young girl's lexicon. These inclusions along with memories and flashbacks work to make Born of Gilded Mountains a multi-timeline story. These many parts come together to make a whole that is a gift, similar to being gifted a quilt that is as much art as comfort.

I am grateful to have received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House via NetGalley without obligation. All opinions expressed here are my own.

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