Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Hudson Collection by Jocelyn Green - A Book Review


Elsa Reisner is an ornithologist with the American Museum of Natural History in New York City in the mid-1920s. She was surprised when her job took her to an old estate on the Hudson River to examine a large collection of stuffed birds that had been willed to the museum. While her job was to determine the condition of the birds, Elsa became involved in so much more, including the lives of the gardener and her daughter. Luke Dupont worked for the family architectural salvage company. He was working at the estate dissembling rooms to later be sold to interested clients. His plans had not included becoming involved with a young ornithologist and her plans to help an aging gardener and her special needs daughter, plans that include solving the mystery of a missing medieval aviary worth a great deal of money.

Jocelyn Green's latest series, On Central Park, is wonderful with great intrigue and suspense. The actual historical events add so much to the drama of the stories. This second book is equally as good as the first. The tension between the main characters and their friends, and the less compassionate and far more greedy characters in the story causes a great deal of angst for Green's readers, the good kind, the kind that compels one to keep reading long after they should be in bed asleep.

I am grateful to have received a complimentary copy of The Hudson Collection from Bethany House via NetGalley without obligation. All opinions expressed here are my own. 

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