Thursday, August 29, 2024

A Heart Beyond by Grace Greene - A Book Review


There is a scene in this book where Sam takes Leigh for a ride in the country, asking her to trust him. Initially, a confirmed city girl, Leigh dislikes being out of her comfort zone and wishes to get it over with and to return home. After contemplating all of the reasons she has to trust Sam, she decides to approach this trip with more of an open mind and enjoys herself enough to later return on her own. This scene is a great analogy for my experience with A Heart Beyond. Initially I, who am not a pet person, was not experiencing the same enjoyment that I usually do from a Grace Greene novel, telling my husband that there was just too much focus on the cat. Then it was as though Grace was asking me to trust her. I considered the delight I had taken in the fourteen of her books that I had read over the last six years, and knew that I could indeed trust her to give me a delightful reading experience this time. So, with a more open mind, I continued reading and was not disappointed. The story took some turns that involved both intrigue and romance, and some valuable life lessons about worry and moving forward after hurt and betrayal. It wasn't long before I had a hard time putting the book down. It was a delightful read.

Grace Greene is truly a trusted author, and I highly recommend A Heart Beyond and all of her other novels. It was certainly wonderful to revisit Cub Creek, home of the Wildflower House in this book. I am grateful to have received a complimentary copy of this book from the author without obligation. All opinions expressed here are my own. 

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