Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Naturalist's Daughter by Tea Cooper - A Book Review


While the main characters in this book are all fictional, I enjoyed being immersed in a tale that placed me in a historical Australian scientific controversy, one that revolved around the acceptance of facts regarding the ornithorhynchus platypus. The story also addresses to a smaller degree England's sending prisoners to colonize Australia. Both stories in this dual-timeline novel work to solve the mystery surrounding former prisoner Rose Winter's heritage. It was very interesting to see how the culture of the day impacted the reasons for secrecy around Rose's family history.

I always keep an eye out for Tea Cooper's books being released in the United State. They are always very enjoyable reads with interesting themes and lots to learn about Australian history. I highly recommend The Naturalist's Daughter and am grateful to have received a complimentary copy from Harper Muse via NetGalley without obligation. All opinions expressed here are my own. 

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