Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Finding You by Robin Patchen - A Book Review


Finding You is the third book in Robin Patchen's The Wright Heroes of Maine series. This is a wonderful series, The second book, Rescuing You, and this one are two of my most favorite Patchen books. As one of my favorite authors, that is saying a lot. In this story Professor Bryan White travels to Germany to get a look at some Middle Eastern antiquities before they were put on display in a museum in Munich. Little did he know what the ramifications of this visit would be professionally and personally as he is not the only one seeking to examine this group of artifacts, and not everyone's motives are academic. Sophia Chapman is in Maine visiting her friend, Leila, Bryan's future sister-in-law. She just so happens to design exhibits at the very museum housing the Middle Eastern antiquities Bryan longs to examine. Sophia's childhood had left her confused about many things, but most importantly about what gives her life worth. The theme of personal worth is a major component of this story. The theme is developed through a story of adventure and courage, as is that of the proper place of works in the life of a Christian. I highly recommend Finding You and the other books in The Wright Heroes of Main series. Readers will find themselves holding their breath, experiencing moments of angst, feeling sentimental, and cheering on those finding themselves in unexpected circumstances. I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author via Book Funnel without obligation. All opinions expressed here are my own. 


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