Monday, July 29, 2024

Sheltering You by Robin Patchen - A Book Review


I have given more of Robin Patchen's books a five star review than those of any other author. I would like to be able to give Sheltering You more than five. Not only is the suspense masterfully written, I got so much out of seeing the Christian life lived out and thought through by someone who risked her life by choosing to truly embrace Christ and God's Word. Sometimes we don't treasure things that are so easily come by and cost us little, and we take far too much for granted. This book also gave me an enhanced perspective of the essence of freedom. It changed the way I pray daily for the persecuted church and the type of awakening I pray for churches in America.

Sheltering You would be a perfect selection for a book club with its deep themes and contemporary social issues. I do however, recommend reading this series, The Wright Heroes of Maine, in order to get the greatest understanding and most enjoyment from each book. I am grateful to have received a complimentary copy from the author without obligation. All opinions expressed here are my own. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Meeting Her Match by Jen Turano - A Book Review


I am a longtime Jen Turano fan. I recommend her books quite frequently, especially to those who are looking for a fun, lighthearted read or a book to get them over a reading slump. I will be a bit more cautious about recommending this one. Meeting Her Match goes beyond fun and lighthearted into corny and silly. The interesting mystery of identifying would-be-kidnappers quickly fell to the wayside until the last quarter of the book. I would especially caution residents of Appalachia and those who hold the region in special affection. I do look forward to Turano's next book. She has too many wonderful books under her belt for me not to anticipate another wonderful one.

I am grateful to have received a complimentary copy of Meeting Her Match from Bethany House via NetGalley without obligation. All opinions expressed here are my own.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

26 Below by Kimberley Woodhouse - A Book Review


My husband read this book weeks ago, and I admire his ability to stay mum about how good it was and not sharing details as he read, waiting for me to have time on my reading calendar for a purchased book between books from NetGalley. I would have had a difficult time not sharing about this wonderful, high tech, cyber crime mystery. While cyber attacks on infrastructure would be devastating anywhere, such things would be particularly deadly during Alaskan winters. Darcie Phillips, newly hired Emergency Operations Center director, was tasked with having systems in place to protect lives in her assigned region should any type of emergency occur. Before the new center was even fully operational, things rapidly became real, real serious that is. With the support of her small team Darcie must defy all odds to fulfill her obligation.

I highly recommend this intense, fast-paced, surprise-laden, suspense novel, and I look forward to reading the next installment in Woodhouse's Alaskan Cyber Hunter series, 8 Down.

The Summer of Yes by Courtney Walsh - A Book Review


Providence brings Kelsey and Georgina together in a totally unexpected way. The near-death experience of one and the imminent death of the other helps them forge an unusual relationship as they both contemplate all of the things they have missed in life by saying no. Walsh helps her readers understand the importance of saying yes when it means living life to its fullest. She also urges them to examine and adjust their priorities.

This story wasn't my typical read. I enjoyed it, but wouldn't say I was passionate about it. I did appreciate the themes of the story. The writing was crisp and flowed smoothly. I feel comfortable recommending it to readers who enjoy contemporary women's fiction. I am grateful to have received a complimentary copy of The Summer of Yes from Thomas Nelson without obligation. All opinions expressed here are my own.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

What We Hide by Colleen Coble and Rick Acker - A Book Review


What a wonderful collaborative effort! I have not previously read any of Rick Acker's work, but have enjoyed many of Colleen Coble's over the years. I enjoyed being back in the Pelican Harbor area and Coble's inclusion of some cameo appearances of characters from her Pelican Harbor series. This is the second book that I have read lately that includes portions told from the viewpoint of an unidentified character. It is a tool for building the mystery of who done it as readers try to pair the person's monologue to the traits of known characters, a tool that has its place in the mystery genre, but one I hope does not become over-used. The premise of the mystery, one of embezzlement and smuggling, could easily be pulled from today's headlines. The themes around the struggle to create balance between family and work, and the weight of grief on relationships add depth to the story. The pace of the story is perfect, the authors' ability to evoke emotion stellar, and the character development well-done.

I recommend What We Hide, and am grateful to have received a complimentary copy from Thomas Nelson via NetGalley without obligation. All opinions expressed here are my own. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Women of Wynton's by Donna Mumma - A Book Review


What a fun mystery! While the story delves into some tough themes such as racism in the south during the 1950s, the mystery was quite entertaining, with the book achieving a good balance between the two. It was one of those books which led me into great temptation to peek at the ending just to assure myself that all turned out well for the main character. Yes, I did succumb to that temptation, but I still very much enjoyed reading the story to see how they arrived there. This is a great summer read whether one is on vacation or just getting a bit of downtime at home.

I enjoyed Donna Mumma's writing style and am very happy to have discovered her, and will anxiously be waiting for her next novel. I am grateful to have received a complimentary copy of The Women of Wynton's from Barbour Publishing without obligation. All opinions expressed here are my own.