Monday, July 29, 2024

Sheltering You by Robin Patchen - A Book Review


I have given more of Robin Patchen's books a five star review than those of any other author. I would like to be able to give Sheltering You more than five. Not only is the suspense masterfully written, I got so much out of seeing the Christian life lived out and thought through by someone who risked her life by choosing to truly embrace Christ and God's Word. Sometimes we don't treasure things that are so easily come by and cost us little, and we take far too much for granted. This book also gave me an enhanced perspective of the essence of freedom. It changed the way I pray daily for the persecuted church and the type of awakening I pray for churches in America.

Sheltering You would be a perfect selection for a book club with its deep themes and contemporary social issues. I do however, recommend reading this series, The Wright Heroes of Maine, in order to get the greatest understanding and most enjoyment from each book. I am grateful to have received a complimentary copy from the author without obligation. All opinions expressed here are my own. 

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