Thursday, July 4, 2024

26 Below by Kimberley Woodhouse - A Book Review


My husband read this book weeks ago, and I admire his ability to stay mum about how good it was and not sharing details as he read, waiting for me to have time on my reading calendar for a purchased book between books from NetGalley. I would have had a difficult time not sharing about this wonderful, high tech, cyber crime mystery. While cyber attacks on infrastructure would be devastating anywhere, such things would be particularly deadly during Alaskan winters. Darcie Phillips, newly hired Emergency Operations Center director, was tasked with having systems in place to protect lives in her assigned region should any type of emergency occur. Before the new center was even fully operational, things rapidly became real, real serious that is. With the support of her small team Darcie must defy all odds to fulfill her obligation.

I highly recommend this intense, fast-paced, surprise-laden, suspense novel, and I look forward to reading the next installment in Woodhouse's Alaskan Cyber Hunter series, 8 Down.

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